Direct quotes from the article. The establishment media continues to use misinformation to scare the public into submission. The headline suggests two people died from COVID-19, with one being between 30-39 years old. Yet, the truth off the matter is that the 30-39 year old died from "non COVID-19 related reasons;"
"A person between the ages of 60 and 69 has died as a result of COVID-19 in the Fredericton region."
"Another person between the ages of 30 and 39 in the Moncton region who had COVID-19 also died, Public Health said in a release Saturday."
"The release said the person died of "non COVID-19 related reasons;" however, the death has been included in the total number of COVID-19 deaths in the province, which is 140. "
Also, it clearly states that "Seven of the 32 people hospitalized were initially admitted for other reasons and contracted COVID-19 due to outbreaks at hospitals in Moncton, Saint John and Miramichi," Public Health said in a release. "Most of these people are exhibiting mild to moderate symptoms."
I doubt anyone will be chanting "close down the Hospitals because they are a source of spread.
The establishment has so completely lost the narrative, their stories and articles read like an exercise in fiction and never ending contradictions.
Here is an unequivocal fact that has been begrudgingly verified, and can not be denied:
There was never any evidence to suggest that the vaccines would prevent people from getting or spreading Covid-19. Which completely destroys any reason or argument in favor of vaccine mandates or passports. There was zero science involved. It was all about promoting fear and control.
Check out yesterday's Live stream to learn my thoughts regarding the latest desperate attempt by the establishment to maintain their grip on power. #RussiagateRedux #PierrePutin #Russian
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