Most people who reject the Libertarian philosophy and principles are doing so out of fear, ignorance and misinformation. There just isn't any other logical explanation for people to reject the notion of personal responsibility and accountability, the Non Aggression Principle and a very small and limited role for government in people's lives.
Most people when ask on a case by case basis will agree to almost every aspect of the Libertarian philosophy, that is until you mention the word Libertarian in the conversation. It is at that time when you will see the change of expression or altered state of understanding in their subsequent dialog. This alone is evidence enough to substantiate that claim, but I'll go one further and suggest their reaction is not much different from that of a child who refuses to go to bed without a night light to comfort them. There is obviously no real danger of a boogeyman harming the child, but due to the scary movies they may have watched or ghost stories they were told...they are allowing fear and a lack of understanding to guide the decisions and behavior, rather than rational and critical thinking. That's difficult enough to overcome when dealing with a child, but in the adult world of politics, law and brute force it can be a severe detriment to society at large.
That's why people who already have a predisposition to fear are much more likely to promote and endorse the expanding mandate of the state. It allows them to feel secure without having to face all the challenges and responsibilities that come with being personally responsible for it. Think about it...if you are the type that scares fairly easy then it doesn't take much convincing for you to accept a need for a massive police state. The same can be said of those who shy away from the difficult and sometimes dangerous task of negotiating with others during conflicts, arguments or disputes.
Since government can offer them a means to avoid any personal sacrifice in a conflict by simply calling a phone number and having a group of armed men come to their defense, they will seek out that means instead. The problems only increase when a larger and larger portion of the populace realize that they can lobby politicians to deal with their fellow man by soliciting new laws or using the full force of government against them, rather than negotiate.
This is exactly what has been happening for recent generations here in Canada, the US, the UK and other Western countries. We seem to be stuck in the teenage years of human progress. Libertarianism is just a natural evolution of human interaction, and is just another step towards complete freedom from force and coercion when dealing with each other. The end result of all this human progress will be our rejection of force and violence in the name of government, and the acceptance of personal responsibility, mutual co-operation and negotiation, as well as natural law and morality to guide us through life. We will end up living in complete Anarchy once we've reached the pinnacle of the human success story. We have already made great strides from our early beginning from hunter/gatherers up to this point. Most people no longer see any justification for human slavery in the traditional sense. We no longer accept as normal the practice of executing people for their beliefs or burning Witches for their sorcery. People no longer feel the need to kill off any tribe or group who may challenge them for their food source.
So the next time you are debating or discussing the issues we face today with Statists of either political stripe, Conservative or Liberal, remind them of the fact that what we accept as normal today will certainly be judged as immature and infantile by our successive generations who grow up in the future. There can be tons of debate and variances regarding how long it will take, how intense the growing pain will be, and where it will take hold first, but there can be no doubt to the fact that it WILL happen. Humans would not even exist today if we were not capable of adapting and evolving to achieve a higher state of consciousness and coexistence.
Google Libertarian to learn more.
Here is an unequivocal fact that has been begrudgingly verified, and can not be denied:
There was never any evidence to suggest that the vaccines would prevent people from getting or spreading Covid-19. Which completely destroys any reason or argument in favor of vaccine mandates or passports. There was zero science involved. It was all about promoting fear and control.
Check out yesterday's Live stream to learn my thoughts regarding the latest desperate attempt by the establishment to maintain their grip on power. #RussiagateRedux #PierrePutin #Russian
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Justice Denied, political prosecution redux, hate speech arrest, and more - The Liberty Angle
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Offensive speech of any kind is precisely what the concept of free speech is suppose to protect.
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