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This is the inevitable consequence of police forces treating citizens like their enemy, and being blind order followers and enforcers for a heavily corrupted State.

Cops spend their days harassing, bullying, using physical force, and a myriad of weapons, including guns to target Canadians for not obeying the massive amount of ridiculous laws on the books. And, in doing so, make the choice to turn the people against them.

Far too Many Canadians have died at the hands of overzealous, power tripping, unaccountable cops who shoot to kill, rather than attempt to deescalate. Let us not forget the targeted harassment and penalties imposed on people during Covid-19. The Truckers for Freedom protests in Ottawa also showed the brutality the police are willing to use on peaceful Canadians, and it will have consequences for the foreseeable future.

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This CBC program mocks the unvaccinated

Here is an unequivocal fact that has been begrudgingly verified, and can not be denied:
There was never any evidence to suggest that the vaccines would prevent people from getting or spreading Covid-19. Which completely destroys any reason or argument in favor of vaccine mandates or passports. There was zero science involved. It was all about promoting fear and control.

Live stream announcement

I will be Live streaming tomorrow, Saturday, February 10th at 12pm Eastern time about the illusion of freedom that surrounds us. You can watch it on all these platforms.

Forget the Matrix, we're living on the modern day Jones Plantation


This should prove to be interesting.
Russiagate Redux - Panicked Progressives postulate Canadian Connection

Check out yesterday's Live stream to learn my thoughts regarding the latest desperate attempt by the establishment to maintain their grip on power. #RussiagateRedux #PierrePutin #Russian
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Join my Live stream tomorrow (Saturday), August 31 at 1pm Eastern Time
Justice Denied, political prosecution redux, hate speech arrest, and more - The Liberty Angle
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Offensive speech of any kind is precisely what the concept of free speech is suppose to protect.

Offensive speech of any kind is precisely what the concept of free speech is suppose to protect.
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The severely overbloated Public Sector in Canada
A Two-Tiered Society
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