This was in reference to the passing of Bill C-51 under the Harper conservative government in 2015.... #LibCons
Canadian Libertarian
February 28, 2015
For those who may be naive enough to believe that there is some huge push from Canadians to have the government take their rights and freedoms away...
When you see headlines suggesting that the new anti terrorism bill is popular and supported by a majority of Canadians, you will also notice the complete lack of a full explanation as to the questions or setup they use to get these numbers, or how they can somehow translate a sampling of less than two thousand people into the notion that those questioned in a poll truly represents the rest of Canadians.
It may seem popular, but a person must realize that these questions are arranged to be purposely leading and to limit potential answers. Not to mention the fact that they are posed to the type of people who like answering poll questions, which eliminates a large portion or representation of the general public. In addition, polls have been proven to be wrong and easily manipulated on so many occasions, I don't know how anyone could justify them as the premise for passing such a
destructive, freedom robbing bill.
Political parties can now get away with anything they choose, because they have shown clearly that they will send their enforcers to attack, arrest or assault anyone or any group that dares to speak out or stand up. That's why protests are now mostly a thing of the past. Once a person gets beat down, arrested, strip searched, and thrown in a cage for doing something that is suppose to be a protected right, and there is no avenue for recourse, they quickly realize it is a fruitless effort.
Fear and intimidation is the only reason why there is not a large number of people out in the streets or even on the internet speaking out. Everyone knows they are being watched, spied on, and having all their communications swept up and stored. Human or animal. With very few exceptions, If you beat or intimidate them enough times, eventually they will submit and stop fighting. It's a self preservation mechanism.
Here is an unequivocal fact that has been begrudgingly verified, and can not be denied:
There was never any evidence to suggest that the vaccines would prevent people from getting or spreading Covid-19. Which completely destroys any reason or argument in favor of vaccine mandates or passports. There was zero science involved. It was all about promoting fear and control.
Check out yesterday's Live stream to learn my thoughts regarding the latest desperate attempt by the establishment to maintain their grip on power. #RussiagateRedux #PierrePutin #Russian
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Justice Denied, political prosecution redux, hate speech arrest, and more - The Liberty Angle
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