Don't blame this on a virus. Place the blame squarely on the politicians, so called experts, and media mouthpieces who would not listen to anyone warning them about the consequences and fallout from imposing tyrannical measures on Canadians.
The overly harsh and strict lockdowns, unleashing petty tyrants on young Canadians doing outdoor activities, punitive fines, insulting anyone who questioned the narrative, using severely divisive language that resulted in families being torn apart, feeding them a constant diet of hyped up fear, mandating masks and vaccines, and basically giving the control freaks among us permission to bully, target, and harass anyone who didn't obey their ridiculous edicts, is what's to blame.
Shame on CTV and other media outlets for never question authority, and in many cases, gleefully going along with the narrative that proved to be a complete farce, and detrimental to so many.
"Sociologist says pandemic may have made Canadian youth less empathetic, meaner"
Here is an unequivocal fact that has been begrudgingly verified, and can not be denied:
There was never any evidence to suggest that the vaccines would prevent people from getting or spreading Covid-19. Which completely destroys any reason or argument in favor of vaccine mandates or passports. There was zero science involved. It was all about promoting fear and control.
Check out yesterday's Live stream to learn my thoughts regarding the latest desperate attempt by the establishment to maintain their grip on power. #RussiagateRedux #PierrePutin #Russian
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Join my Live stream tomorrow (Saturday), August 31 at 1pm Eastern Time
Justice Denied, political prosecution redux, hate speech arrest, and more - The Liberty Angle
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Offensive speech of any kind is precisely what the concept of free speech is suppose to protect.
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