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The End of Woke (And the Man Who Killed It)

They almost had it. They were so close.

It began with the gay marriage debate in 2012. Barack Obama was reelected president partially as a result of his stance on the issue, despite opposing same-sex marriage in years past. Most of rational society were caught off guard by the argument- not that we were opposed to the notion of two same-sex people entering into a marital contract together, but that there was even an argument against it in the first place. It seemed everyone outside of a small handful of die hard conservatives and religious zealots were in unanimous agreement on the subject, and that agreement was represented by a resounding half-hearted shrug. It wasn’t that we didn’t care about the legality of genuine love, it was that most of us felt our society had progressed far beyond same-sex relationships being taboo. It was hard to believe gay marriage was still being questioned in some parts of the west.

But if you were even peripherally paying attention to mainstream media during that election cycle, you would’ve thought there were armies of bigots marching on every major town center demanding gay marriage be permanently outlawed. The media created an air of tension between political blocs and manufactured an opposition that hitherto didn’t exist. It was a strange phenomenon to witness as moderate conservatives took up the mantle for their evangelistic brethren in reaction to liberal accusations of hate. Mainstream media was successful in casting an adversary out of a group who were previously apathetic to the matter.

I heard warnings from conservative friends that this was a mousetrap; that we were being baited into something dangerous. I, who at the time was a slowly maturing centrist emerging from a left wing cocoon, felt they were falling for a trap of a different kind themselves- even as I was shedding the last bits of my naively progressive shell. I sensed they were resorting to the same tribalism that captured so many other conservatives and aroused a hostility to same-sex marriage that was purposely generated by our media to fabricate a genuine wedge issue.

I was dead wrong.

Gay marriage was the furnace in which the hammer and sickle of woke neomarxism were forged. It was the first inch in many miles; an innocuous step forward that was required as a matter of compassion and modernity, yet was used as a doorstop to introduce a number of other concepts and lifestyles that would increase in absurdity as western society was being conditioned to accept the one before it.

Third wave feminism entered the public consciousness on the heels of same-sex marriage and Black Lives Matter followed. Slogans like “me too” and “time’s up” became commonplace, and the name “black lives matter” inferred a sentiment most unprejudiced people would agree with. These were signals of a society progressing beyond misogyny and discrimination, however, these seemingly insipid civil rights statements were a cover for an insidious ideology that lied behind them.

Third wave feminism was a mutated version of the first and second waves that preceded it; a postmodern interpretation of women’s rights that placed women firmly on the intersectional oppression grid as eternal victims of patriarchal torment. Black Lives Matter was borne out of Critical Race Theory; another branch of postmodern intersectionality that placed Black Americans squarely in the crosshairs of an all-encompassing systemic racism, which was a symptom of a white supremacist conspiracy that served a singular function: extermination of black people and culture in all forms.

On the surface it appeared these two liberation campaigns were traveling along differing lanes, but in reality they were dual tentacles of a neomarxist parasite slowly wrapping itself around the western mind.

In Canada, once the public had been adequately pickled in self-satisfying platitudes, we elected a prime minister who is the living embodiment of empty rhetoric and superficial gestures of morality. From his first day in office we were declared a post-national state; a country in name only that had devolved into an unidentifiable colony trying to reconcile itself against a set of dogmatic axioms that were anathema to even the most simple aspects of human nature. Marxism as an economic and cultural theory was designed with deception as a requirement for successful application since anyone who understood the mechanisms involved would reject it immediately, therefore, in this twenty first century adaptation postmodernism was added with the specific intent to further dilute any meaning that could be derived from it- in the event anyone was able to correctly recognize what they were observing.

The outcome was a constant atmosphere of chaos and confusion. Canadian society was thrown into a tailspin as questions concerning race and identity consumed public discourse. Transgenderism arrived on the back of Black Lives Matter and further muddied waters that were already clouded with sediment. Transgenderism itself was an outgrowth of queer theory; yet another checkpoint on the intersectional oppression grid and tentacle belonging to the same neomarxist parasite.

White liberal guilt proved to be an eager host for the postmodern tick, and the gullibility of the metropolitan class allowed it to grow and flourish. Liberals performed daily routines of mental gymnastics to appease their perceived victims and atoned for their sins through repeated oaths to equity. Meanwhile, billions of tax dollars were disappearing from our treasury and an elitist oligarchy was forming.

It was during the Covid-19 pandemic that the authoritarian behemoth which had been lurking directly beneath us finally surfaced from those murky waters. By then we were so conditioned to being flogged for the act of living, we were prepared to sacrifice ourselves as the monster’s jaws clamped down around our necks. Inch by inch our freedoms were stripped away, but with every arrow laid down on a grocery store floor, and every experimental vaccine we were forced to accept, something began to ignite in the Canadian people. A wick had been lit that traveled from person to person; through communities, towns, provinces; right across the entire country.

Tens of thousands descended on Ottawa in protest. Our Prime Minister- the champion purveyor of thoughts and prayers- hid while his country rediscovered its national identity and demanded an end to his nonsensical edicts. For three weeks Canada came alive and swung mightily from our corner, and in a desperate show of cowardice, our Prime Minister and his deputies invoked the Emergencies Act- a last resort wartime measure- to institute martial law and end the awakening.

February 14, 2022: the day woke died.

The Liberal government froze bank accounts and seized assets belonging to protestors. The dramatic authoritarian overreach sent shockwaves around the developed world. Our American neighbors recoiled in horror at what Canada had become. Members of the European parliament condemned our government for their fascist behavior. Banks scrambled to explain how they conceded to such an egregious abuse of power. Multinational corporations canceled contracts with Canadian businesses for fear of prospective government interference.

In one fell swoop Justin Trudeau revealed where this neomarxist exercise would lead. The World Economic Forum’s great reset crumbled as a consequence of their affiliation with their young global leader.

The sprint toward global totalitarianism didn’t end in that moment- in fact, it sped up. But that single action caused anyone within earshot to sit up and pay attention. Overnight the great reset transformed from conspiracy theory to widely acknowledged reality and the political poles began to shift. In Holland farmers launched their own protest inspired by the Canadian truckers and eventually toppled their WEF infected government. Argentina recently elected Javier Milei, a staunch libertarian and anti-marxist, as their new president. Thousands have taken to the streets in Spain to protest their illegitimate socialist government, and change seems to be on the horizon.

In North America the cultural tectonic plates are grinding furiously. Donald Trump is the clear runaway favorite in America’s next presidential race, with the closest runner-up being Robert F. Kennedy Jr.- another political outsider and anti-mRNA vaccine advocate. Third wave feminism was swallowed by transgenderism and pulverized by a series of humiliating takedowns from second wave feminists. Black Lives Matter lost all credibility when we learned much of the donor funding had been laundered into accounts and properties belonging to prominent members. The transgender discussion continues, but is dying after parents- particularly Muslim parents- fought back against attempts to indoctrinate children into their cult of self-hate and mutilation, triggering conservative politicians to put forth legislation that protects children from being targeted by this group.

Justin Trudeau’s reputation never recovered. At home he’s a pariah who can’t make public appearances without being swarmed by protestors on both sides of the political divide, and internationally he’s despised by leaders of all stripes, from all corners of the planet. The latest polls show a massive exodus of voters from traditionally Liberal ridings moving toward Conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre. Canada isn’t due for a federal election until 2025, but most insiders can't imagine Trudeau’s political career surviving beyond the spring of 2024.

The WEF’s quest for global dominance isn’t over and is evident in Europe’s plan to introduce a digital ID in the coming year- but what has changed is the awareness of their agenda. Every country with ties to the UN, WHO and WEF has their own developing story of resistance- whether it’s “blade runners” in the UK dismantling ULEZ cameras or members in Australian parliament holding Pfizer accountable for their unfolding mRNA vaccine catastrophe. Climate change was supposed to be the proceeding crisis that closed the doors and led us into the slaughter, but this new awareness has significantly weakened what was set up to be the knockout blow to freedom.

Compliance is key to control, and if the people won’t comply then they cannot be controlled. Deception was their strongest tactic, and now that tactic is dead. Since awareness exists, brute force is their only option, and there aren’t enough foot soldiers on earth to muscle the masses. If the people want to be free, then free we will be. As long as we hold that principle above all else, they cannot take it from us- unless we allow it.

  • Jason James
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