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This is troubling news, to say the least.

"BREAKING: The Federal Court of Appeal has released its decision, dismissing our appeal to the declaration of mootness in our Federal Vaccine Travel Mandate lawsuit.

We are regrouping right now, I will post the Judge's ruling as soon as I have a link to the entire PDF that I can post here on X.

In a nutshell, one of the primary reasons given yet again was 'A lack of public interest' in the case.

Let me tell you something about that in the meantime, 20,000 Canadians went out of their way to register, sign up and attend this landmark lawsuit via Zoom, meaning that our lawsuit and appeal hearing literally set a Canadian record for the most people to ever register & attend a Federal Court hearing in the entire history of this country.

Hundreds of thousands more followed the case closely on various social media platforms hoping to see justice served for themselves and all those who's lives & livelihoods were negatively impacted by the heinous & tyrannical vaccine travel mandates. Yet these three Judges claim there was no public interest in our case, give me a break, this is outrageous and absurd.

In my opinion the government have petitioned the courts, Judges and MSM to have this evidence buried forever at any cost, and sadly once again our seemingly compromised judicial system and Justices may have folded to their overlords requests.

Our lawsuit is one of the most important legal challenges in recent Canadian history, and yet the Canadian legacy media have never reported on this case, not once have they so much as uttered a word about it over the past 2 years, likely once again at the behest of their government overlords/financiers. This despite all of the bombshell evidence which was uncovered by our legal team during the cross examinations of 16 of the government's very own medical experts and senior public health officials, over a 2.5 month period, which exposed the Trudeau Government's lies regarding their fabricated reasons/rationales for invoking said mandates.

I fear that until our judicial system is restored and gets back on track, it's highly unlikely that any of our corrupt sociopathic elected officials & bureaucrats will ever be held accountable in a court of law for their part in invoking & enforcing these unconstitutional, heinous, illegal and tyrannical mandates."

@ShaunRickard67 on X

Supreme Court of Canada, here we come!

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